Everest The West Ridge - (Hornbein)
Everest The West Ridge
Thomas Hornbein
The Mountaineers, Seattle, 1981, Second American Edition (revised), Dustjacket, overall Fine.
Inscribed by Author Tom Hornbein, who made daring first West Ridge ascent of Everest, along with Willi Unsoeld, and sequentially the first Himalayan traverse. In addition, this copy Signed by Jim Whittaker, who made the First American ascent of Everest a few days earlier on the South Col route. Octavo, 181 pages, profusely illustrated with many colour photographs.
Two climbers defied rigid rules, broke off on this bold two-man first attempt up the West Ridge, way out on a limb. Benighted after crossing the summit, they survived a high bivouac, then descend the Lhotse Face and Western Cwm despite frostbite, a triumph of will and determination. Exciting story of an American mountaineering classic, well-written and wonderfully illustrated. (Reference Neate: H-112). Signed by two summiteers. Special revised Second American Edition, Dustjacket, Near Fine. $400